The following are the reservation requirements for The White Rose Theatre Company. Located at the bottom of the page is a Reservation request form. If you have any questions about the following information please Contact Us.

A Reservation includes the performance of your choice, followed by a 15 minute question and answer session with the actors. Organizations will also receive a Teachers Guide to help assist with class curriculum.

Performances will not be scheduled less than 16 days in advance

Set up and Take down time: WRTC Requires one full hour of set up time before the performance is ready to begin. If possible, we ask that no audience member be in the performance area during the first 30 minutes of the set up. WRTC also, requires 30 minutes of take down time.

Electrical:  There must be an electrical outlet near with in 20 feet the performance area. If the only available electrical outlet is more than  20 feet away, an additional extension cord must be provided by the organization.

Space Requirements: WRTC requires very little space to perform shows. The shows are designed to go into almost any space, from a large auditorium to an intimate classroom.

v     The ceilings in chosen area must be no lower than seven and a half feet.

v     An electrical outlet must be available

v     Room must be adequately lit, we do not provide lighting equipment 

Outdoor Performances: WRTC is fully equipped to perform in the outdoors however certain conditions may prevent us from doing so. Please tell The White Rose Theatre Company if it will be performing outside, at the time of booking.

v     If performance is planned for outside be aware of weather and have alternative space in case of inclement weather. Inclement weather qualifies as temperatures above 90 degrees and below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Extreme wind or rain or thunderstorms. If alternate space is not available we will reschedule at a rescheduling cost of 10%.

v     Performance space must be flat with no hills or large rocks

v     Performance must take place during daytime hours.  9am to 6pm

v     Performance must take place between May-August.

Payment Policies: Payment is due the same day performance is to be performed. If payment is not received by that time a fee of 10% of billing cost will be charged, and performance will continue. An additional charge of 10% will be charged if payment is not received by a week after performance date. If your school payment system will not allow you to meet these requirements let us know. Cancellations must be received one week prior to the performance. If a show is cancelled less than a week in advance, a fee of 35% of total bill will be charged. If an outside performance is cancelled due to inclement weather performance will be rescheduled at a cost of 10% of original cost.


Once you have looked over the preceding information and you would like to submit a reservation request, please fill out the following form. A Box Office representative will contact you within 2 business day.

What show are you interested in?

Sleeping Beauty Goldilocks and The Three Bears Eat! Eat! Caterpillar! Wiley and The Hairy Man

What is the estimated attendance for the performance?


Enter dates and times for the requested performance (at least four):

Tell us how to get in touch with you:

Please contact me as soon as possible regarding this matter.

Copyright © 2005 [White Rose Theatre Company]. All rights reserved.
Revised: 11/05/05.